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Patent Drawing Symbols

Patent Drawing Symbols: Everything You Need To Know

The success of a patent application relies mostly on the way we present our information to the USPTO. If it is convincing enough, chances are, that it might grant patent comparatively in a lesser period. Patent drawings are one of those tools that we use in the patent application. The objective is to let examiners[…]

Drawings, Sketching, Designing, And Drafting

Drawings, Sketching, Designing, And Drafting: Are They All Same?

Humans have been expressing their inner hearts through drawings, sketches, paintings, and other visual forms right from the advent of civilization. However, these human aesthetics have been given proper recognition when the patent regime came into existence, and their importance was realized while documenting the full make-out of an invention or article of manufacture. No[…]


Patent Drawings Rules: Part I

Patent Drawings  Rules “Every practice has a set of rules which governs it.”  ~ Fiel Valdez                                                The quote mentioned above is accurate to its simplicity. Rules and regulations are essential for society as[…]

Creating Illustrations for Inventions

Creating Illustrations for Inventions: The Basic Rules

We must have heard this adage “A picture speaks a thousand words.”  This goes true for patent drawings or creating illustrations for Inventions, because, drawings that are drawn meticulously, clearly, and consciously can speak much more about your invention than reams of words. In other words, we can say is that a useful patent drawing can[…]

How TPDC (The Patent Drawings Company) can add value to its customers

How TPDC (The Patent Drawings Company) can add value to its customers

How TPDC (The Patent Drawings Company) can add value to its customers? Patent Drawings are the easiest visual form of understanding an invention. These help in knowing the invention in detail. Basically, patent drawings are of two types (a) Utility Patent Drawings and (b) Design Patent Drawings. While a Utility patent protects the application and functionality[…]

Patent Illustration Requirements

Patent Illustration Requirements

Creating an illustration for patents is a completely different affair as it involves strict compliance with the patent regulatory norms of the intended jurisdiction. Unlike other forms of illustration, here, the draftsperson needs to have a complete understanding of the subject matter as well as the patent illustration rules set forth by the respective patent office. Irrespective of the fact whether[…]

patent drawing service provider

Why Should Companies Hire PatSketch for Patent Drawings?

Patent drawing is not a compulsory component while intending to protect an invention, but it could be of immense use considering the long-term benefits it offer to the applicant. And thus with an aim to provide quality drawings for patients at affordable price PatSketch came into existence.  patent drawing service provider Though, there are plenty[…]


Margin Requirements and Views in a Patent Drawing

When you are creating a patent drawing it is important to follow various rules put forth by the respective patent office. Creating drawings for patents is something that requires meticulous approach and acquaintances with the patent regulatory framework. Unlike, normal kind of drawings, here, we are supposed to follow each and every rule religiously, failing which[…]


Increasing Relevance of Drawings for Patents

A Patent drawing or a patent illustration is not merely an art but also requires in-depth understandings of patent regulatory norms. Though an artistic flavor is something which is of utmost importance in drawings for patents, still there are some important rules and simply by following those rules we can increase the relevance of our drawings[…]

Patent Drawing Rules

Patent Drawing Rules

Patent drawing rules are complex and this is why it’s important to know these rules before you submit a drawing to the respective patent office. The important point that we need to consider while creating illustrations for patents is that, here, we have a set of rules which needs to be followed religiously. Simply, by not[…]

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