We must have heard this adage “A picture speaks a thousand words.” This goes true for patent drawings or creating illustrations for Inventions, because, drawings that are drawn meticulously, clearly, and consciously can speak much more about your invention than reams of words. In other words, we can say is that a useful patent drawing can increase the chances of approval of your patent. However, the tough part that there are various rules and guidelines for patent drawings laid down by the USPTO. A draftsperson needs to follow them religiously failing to abide by these rules could be detrimental to your overall goal.
Every country has different rules for patent illustrations, and while creating such a drawing it is essential for a draftsperson to take into account the intended jurisdiction; still, most of them are similar in general. Thus knowing the basic rules could be of immense use for those who wish to create a drawing that is appealing, accurate, and correct. There are certain points to remember for patent drawings.
This article is aimed at listing some basic rules of patent drawings that every draftsperson should follow. Though there are plenty of regulations that apply to patent-related drawings. However, still, we will cover only those that are of utmost importance.
Also, Read: Patent Drawings Assures Better Patent: Know Why and How?
Basic Rules for the Creation of Illustrations for Inventions
Ensure Inclusion of Every Feature
While creating patent drawings for inventions, it is essential for a draftsperson to include every feature that makes up the invention without exception. Elements cannot avail protection which is not present in the drawing. For instance, if you have a mobile handset and has an innumerable number of features, it is important for the draftsperson to mention each and every element of the mobile handset.
Failing to add all the features in a patent drawing could jeopardize your overall objective. Documentation of every element of the illustration should be proper with both text and drawing to assure that the patent examiner fully understands the element of the item.
The size of the sheet should be on par with the respective patent office
Unlike standard forms of drawings, the creation of patent drawings must be present in a sheet format by from separate patent office. Failing to abide by this format could lead to rejection of your application. Patent office like the USPTO allows only two kinds of the sheet size. The sheets will be of following dimensions a) 21 cm x 29.7 cm and b) 21.6 cm x 27.9 cm.
Use the Metric System as a measurement tool
Though patent offices like the USPTO don’t prohibit draft persons from using English Measurement System. However, they encourage people to use the Metric System which people accept Universally. Any dimension and sizing information available in a patent disclosure must be in metric inches preferably centimeters. In the case of small devices, one should use millimeters.
Avoid Unnecessary Texts
While creating illustrations for inventions, it is crucial for the draftsperson to avoid texts. Those texts may be unnecessary and can produce ambiguity to the understanding.
Most of the time we see draftsperson use extra text/texts to indicate certain events in a drawing. Some examples of such documents are Open, Closed, Partially Closed, etc. While the intention could be useful such as extra added texts can jeopardize your overall goal. It is because they are not allowed in a drawing created for patents.
The PatSketch Assistance
Our experienced team of drafters offers certain patent illustration services at the most economical rate. We keep ourselves updated according to the recent patent office rules and guidelines. Moreover, we also make use of the latest software and technologies is what that sets us apart.
Please have a look at our work through the free samples hosted on our website. Visit us to avail our Patent Drawing services.
Must Read:
Role of Patent Illustrations in IP Litigation
Why Should You Hire Good Patent Illustrators?

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