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Patent illustrator – What you need to know?

A professionally qualified patent illustrator is an invaluable asset to any intellectual property attorney. Patent drawings are used by the USTPO to determine whether or not a patent will be granted. They serve as a visual evidence of the invention, conveying its design and utility in ways that words and diagrams can not. But what[…]

Patent Drawing

Patent Drawing: Key points to remember

A vital part of your patent application is patent drawing. They are illustrations which depict your invention, its intricate parts and the processes involved. Whether your invention is a new product or a process, a patent drawing boosts your chances of getting a patent. However, it is absolutely critical to know the do’s and don’ts[…]

Patent Drawings

What are Patent Drawings?

Patent drawings are detailed illustration of an invention that is submitted with the application during the Patent application process.  The USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office) demands a patent Drawing to ensure an easy understanding of the working and building procedure of the invention. Why do we need Patent Drawings? During the process of drafting Patent[…]

Patent Drawings Rules

Patent Drawings Rules: Part III

To explain the invention, it is must to present drawings along with patent application in front of the USPTO. The drawings must follow the guidelines for patent drawing rules set forth by the USPTO to get the success. The drawings do not have to deal with the art, but ought to describe and demonstrate your invention[…]

Creating Illustrations for Inventions

Creating Illustrations for Inventions: The Basic Rules

We must have heard this adage “A picture speaks a thousand words.”  This goes true for patent drawings or creating illustrations for Inventions, because, drawings that are drawn meticulously, clearly, and consciously can speak much more about your invention than reams of words. In other words, we can say is that a useful patent drawing can[…]

Essential Tips for Patent Illustrations (1)

3 Important Tips for Patent Illustrations while Applying Patent Applications

While applying for a patent, the law requires that an applicant must provide at least one patent illustration (also called patent drawings). Basically, an inventor includes drawing in the application to ease the process of understanding and to help create a better quality of an application. Mainly in the situation where the invention deals with a process, it[…]

drawings for patents

How drawings for patents make an application better?

“A picture speaks a thousand words” that ancient adage certainly holds true in the case of drawings for patents. An invention can often be more easily explained through drawings than in reams of description. Accurate, clear drawings strengthen and enhance patent applications, helping overloaded patent examiners to understand inventions faster.   Though drawings for patents[…]

patent drawing service provider

Why Should Companies Hire PatSketch for Patent Drawings?

Patent drawing is not a compulsory component while intending to protect an invention, but it could be of immense use considering the long-term benefits it offer to the applicant. And thus with an aim to provide quality drawings for patients at affordable price PatSketch came into existence.  patent drawing service provider Though, there are plenty[…]


Dimensioning in Patent Drawings

Before we understand dimensioning in patent drawings, let’s first understand what a patent drawing is. Speaking broadly, patent drawing is a kind of technical drawing used to communicate visually how something functions or is to be constructed. Patent drawings are used by individual inventors, companies, and industry experts to support their invention while filing a[…]


Margin Requirements and Views in a Patent Drawing

When you are creating a patent drawing it is important to follow various rules put forth by the respective patent office. Creating drawings for patents is something that requires meticulous approach and acquaintances with the patent regulatory framework. Unlike, normal kind of drawings, here, we are supposed to follow each and every rule religiously, failing which[…]

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