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Art of Creating Drawings for Patents

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Creating drawings for patents is an art that requires well acquaintances not only with the patent regulatory norms but also of relevant computer aided designing software like AutoCAD. Accompanying an application with a patent illustration is not mandatory, still, if it’s used will be of great value as it can help examiners understand the idea clearly. A patent drawing can not only expedite the overall process of patenting but can also help us in putting our point firmly in case of an untoward event like infringements.

Though the process of patent drawing could be a tedious and daunting task, still, it pays off if it is included in an application. This article is aimed at understanding the art of creating drawings for patents, the importance of the same and ways to create an illustration for patents.

So, let’s first define a patent drawing and then we will dive into other aspects of creating an illustration for patents.

drawings for patents

Definition of patent drawings:

As we know, a picture speaks one thousand words and hence with a patent drawing we present our idea or invention with pictures.  Thus, a patent drawing can be defined as a pictorial representation of an idea or invention.

Why drawings for patents are needed?

As we mentioned earlier, a picture speaks a thousand words and thus it’s prudent to include an image that can describe our invention graphically. Apart from this, don’t you think it would be better to present a complex idea in pictures rather than presenting it in hundreds of thousands of words? Obviously, it’s better to present the idea graphically. A patent drawing can serve many purposes and some of them are as mentioned below:

  • Helps in presenting the idea convincingly
  • Let examiners understand every feature of the invention clearly
  • Helps us putting our point convincingly in the case of any untoward event like patent infringement.
  • Helps patent owners drawing the attention of the prospective licensee
  • Expedite the overall patent granting process

Various Rules of Patent Drawings:

However, we must agree that creating a patent drawing is just not like creating any kind of drawing, because, here, we have various rules and regulations put forth by respective patent office those need to be followed religiously. Failing to follow those rules could jeopardize our objectives. So, what are the important rules for creating a patent drawing? This could be the next question appearing in your mind. Here are some important patent drawing rules we need to follow while creating drawings for patents.

Mention every feature of the invention: This is the first and foremost important rule every draft person should follow while creating drawings for patents, wherein, every feature of the invention should be mentioned clearly that are under the scope of the matter. Failing to include any of the features can lead to rejection of the drawing as a whole.

Using metric system: Important patent office, like the U.S. PTO, encourages applicants to use Metric System as the system of measurement, wherein, metric units like centimeters and millimeters are used. Apart from using the metric system, we can also use English Engineering Systems but that should be the second priority.

Size of the drawing sheet: Patent office like the U.S. PTO is very selective about the size of the drawing sheet used. The important patent office like the U.S. PTO, has mandated the use of specific sheet size for patent drawings. The USPTO patent office allows only two kinds of sheet size a) 21 cm x 29.7 cm which is also called as A4 size and b) 21.6 cm x 27.9 cm which is used throughout the United States.

Maintaining the basic level of neatness: Patent office like the U.S. PTO expects a neat and clean drawing sheet from a draft person. Even if, you present each and every feature of your invention accurately but drawings for patents have strike-throughs, over-writings and alterations you risk rejection.

The above-mentioned rules are only a few and there are many more rules those needs to be followed while creating drawings for patents.

utility-patent-drawing design-patent-drawing

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