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Some Incredible Drawings of Thomas Edison’s Inventions

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Patent drawings have always been an essential component of patents. Not only it gives a clear picture of your invention but also minimizes the examiner’s time to grant the license. Down the ages, inventors have been using illustrations for patents as a useful tool to convey their ideas. However, with the advancement of time creating drawings of inventions have become more complex. This is because there are plenty of rules and regulations by the USPTO these days. Hence, a patent illustrator needs to keep certain key points on patent drawings in mind. You can see an exemplary set of patent drawings in Thomas Edison’s illustrations. He was one of the pioneers in the field of science and technology. Edison contributed to various inventions. Be it the phonograph, the kinetoscope, the dictaphone, or the electric lamp (in particular the incandescent light bulb), and the autographic printer, all of it was his invention.

He also significantly improved the telephone by inventing the carbon microphone. Most of these inventions were not wholly original. However, one of Edison’s major innovations was the first industrial research and development lab, that was in Menlo Park and West Orange. drawings of inventions

Throughout the 20th century, Edison was the world’s most prolific inventor. At the beginning of the century, he held 736 U.S. patents. His final count was 1,093 U.S. patents, including 1084 utility patents (patents for inventions) and nine artistic design patents.

Handmade drawings of Thomas Edison’s Inventions

Automatic Telegraph (Patent Number: US96681A)

The automatic telegraph was invented by Edison in the year 1869 and was patented subsequently. The peculiarity of this machine is that it can transmit messages at 60-120 words per minute that are almost three times faster than what hand operators can deliver.





Fig 1: Image of Edison’s Automatic Telegraph

Quadruplex Telegraph (Patent Number: US209241A)

Edison invented the Quadruplex telegraph while he was working as an employee in the Western Union. With this machine, Edison combined the duplex and diplex versions to send two simultaneous messages in the same direction.


Fig 2: Edison’s Quadruplex Telegraph

Electric Lamp Drawing (Patent Number: US223898A)

Edison invented the electric lamp in the year of 1879 by introducing a carbon made wire filament that can tolerate heat.





Fig 3: Edison’s electric bulb

Webermeter (Patent Number: US240678A)

In any system of furnishing to consumers electricity for light, power, or other purposes, it is desirable that means be provided which shall accurately measure the current used. It is also desirable that the indication and registration of this measure of current should be automatically in a manner analogous to the record filing of gas or water flow. Edison’s this invention, offer to achieve this. drawings of Thomas Edison’s Invention


Fig 4: Edison’s weber meter

Need Help with Patent Drawings? -PatSketch

As we mentioned earlier, sometimes, making your patent drawings can be an extremely difficult task. There are a lot of guidelines that you need to adhere to. If you need a patent illustrator, PatSketch is at your service. We have the expertise and widest range of software/technologies to cater to any and every output format that exists. Our motto is 100% satisfaction of our customers. We offer timely solutions and are willing to make any number of iterations to meet your specific requirements. Our affordable prices ensure that we don’t bore a hole in your pocket.

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