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What is the Design Patent Drawings Requirement

What is the Design Patent Drawings Requirement?

Design Patent Drawings are the outer appearance of an article of manufacture. The USPTO has issued guidelines concerning design patent drawings requirement. Also, a design patent protects against the unauthorized usage of the outer appearance of an article of manufacture. However, a design patent doesn’t protect the structure or functionality of an article. The guidelines[…]

How to Obtain Utility Patents?

How to Obtain Utility Patents?

A utility patent is available for an invention or discovery of a new and useful machine, manufacture, composition of matter, or process. Also, the utility patents help in improvements for a machine, manufacture, composition, or process that one considers useful. A “machine” includes anything that one generally considers a machine, such as a computer or a tractor. A[…]

Impressive Patent Drawings

Impressive Patent Drawings: Tips & Tricks to Create

Shading in patent drawings is one of the most indispensable parts as it helps to understand an invention by defining the shapes, visually. Let’s learn various tips and tricks to create impressive patent drawings. Let us first understand the two types of shading techniques, i.e., Linear and Stippled. Linear Shading Stippling Shading Lines are used to[…]

How TPDC (The Patent Drawings Company) can add value to its customers

How TPDC (The Patent Drawings Company) can add value to its customers

How TPDC (The Patent Drawings Company) can add value to its customers? Patent Drawings are the easiest visual form of understanding an invention. These help in knowing the invention in detail. Basically, patent drawings are of two types (a) Utility Patent Drawings and (b) Design Patent Drawings. While a Utility patent protects the application and functionality[…]

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Patent Drawings 101 : Types, Importance, & Common Mistakes

Patent drawings are the visual form of patent description. Invention drawings provide the best possible way to understand the details of the invention, without reading the complete specifications. There is no law that claims the inclusion of drawings as a compulsion. However, since it helps to understand well in less time, it is wise to[…]

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