Top Reasons to buy Accurate & Professional Patent Illustration Services

Top Reasons to buy Accurate & Professional Patent Illustration Services

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Top Reasons to buy Accurate Professional Patent Illustration Services

You need to ensure that your patent drawings to strike the hammer on the nail while describing your invention. Hence, it is wise to seek illustration services to achieve this target. A drawing is less time consuming and easier to understand in contrast to going through long paragraphs of descriptions. Basically, patent drawings are an indispensable part of your application. An examiner finds it easier to differentiate between your invention and prior arts if your drawings are meticulous and elaborate. Hence, any inaccuracies can hamper your shots at getting a patent.

Furthermore, this doesn’t limit to just the grant of patent. An elaborate yet precise illustration enables a judge to distinguish between inventions and make informed decisions during patent infringements. Moreover, if you prepare your drawings meticulously, then it discourages potential infringers to copy your invention. To ensure that all the checkboxes in your drawings are hit, you should consider taking assistance from illustration services.

This article highlights the most important reasons for you to go for patent illustration services for rendering your drawings.

Illustration Services: How can they help you?

1.       Technical Specifications

Every patent office has a set of drawing rules which you need to follow for all your illustrations that go with a patent application. So, you may file an application with the USPTO, or with any other country’s patent office, or file an international application via PCT. However, you must ensure that you follow these guidelines like the Bible. Right from the dimensions of the sheet you produce the illustration on to nomenclature that you need to use. Illustration services ensure that all your drawings are up to the mark and are following these guidelines.

2.       Illustration Services for Utility Patents

The guidelines for Utility patents are quite rigid. Some key things to remember are:

  • Ensure that scaling of figures is correct
  • Every line, number, and letter must be dark and uniform
  • All the figures must have a proper description.

You may also include tables, formulae, waveforms, symbols, etc. depending on the invention. You need to make a plan or elevated view, isometric projections, perspective views, sectional views, exploded views, etc. It is a good idea to render specific views of your invention. These views may illustrate a problem the invention solves, a particular advantage it provides or a need it fulfills. Also, you may depict prior art to differentiate your invention from an old one, or the innovation on an existing invention. If your invention involves a lot of intricate parts, seeking help from illustration services is highly advisable. Even if that is not the case, a good professional can ensure that your drawings are top-notch.

Also, check out some of our sample utility patent drawings here. Like our work? Click here to view our pricing and procedure for ordering a utility patent drawing.

3.       Design Patent

If design patents were to have a heartbeat, then their patent drawings would be it. USPTO guidelines stipulate a few very important points.

  • The drawing disclosure is the most key aspect of an application.
  • The drawings comprise of the entire visual disclosure of the claim.
  • Your drawing must be excellent in describing the design, such that nothing is left to conjecture.

Most countries follow similar rules in their guidelines with minor changes. For instance, USPTO requires you to appropriately and adequately shade all the surfaces of drawings. This is a standout requirement which makes USPTO design drawings appear more artistic in comparison to other countries. However, after submission of your drawings, you cannot correct any inconsistencies unless you can do it without adding new matter. The USPTO law forbids you to add or remove any matter after you file the patent application. Hence, the importance of getting the drawings right is noticeable here.

Check out some of our sample design patent drawings here. Like our work? Click here to view our pricing and procedure for ordering a design patent drawing.

4.       Formal over informal drawings

Sometimes, you may wish to file an informal drawing. The reason being, to avoid the cost of preparing formal drawings early in the product development process. Formal drawings may take as long as a week or even two (for a large application) to prepare. So you might go with informal drawings which may or may not be as descriptive as you would like. Later, as you formalize the drawings, you would have much more descriptive and clear illustrations. But a stringent examiner may reject it because the details in these new illustrations might qualify as “new matter”. You might find yourself in a tough spot when dealing with a picky examiner. Examiners may or may not accept disclosure of new matter and this can lead to rejection of your application. Hence, instead of taking a gamble on your invention’s patentability, it’s a safer bet to invest in formal drawings. If rendering your own formal drawings intimidates you, it’s worthwhile to consider investing in illustration services.

5.       Computer vs Hand-made drawings

You always have the option of handmade drawings if you believe in assiduously ensuring that your drawings are perfect.  However, if you are looking to save time and money, a more economic option is going for computer-aided design (CAD) drawings. This helps you or your draftsperson avoid wastage of time in recreating drawings. Another big advantage is that you can conveniently make changes to your existing drawings if need be. Essentially, right from rendering a new drawing to reproducing one with modifications, working on a computer is faster and simpler. However, there is nothing wrong with hand-made illustrations. As long as it’s serving the purpose of fully describing the invention, it stays.

Convinced to hire an illustration service?  – PatSketch

We’ve listed out a justified set of reasons as to why you should go for illustration services. PatSketch has specialized experts offering the best illustrations. We cover the widest range of software/technologies to cater to any output format that you need. Our target is 100% satisfaction of our customers. Your pocket shouldn’t be overburdened, so we ensure that our prices are very affordable. We also guarantee a lightning-fast turn around time.  We are more than happy to make any number of iterations for you until you are satisfied. To make an inquiry, contact us on PatSketch.

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