Important Views of Patent Illustration

According to patent drawing rules, a patent illustrator should use as many views as possible to let examiners understand the invention and its features. There are some views of patent illustration that a drafts person can use to represent their idea with the patent office like USPTO. These views are very important to make sure that all the sides of the invention are covered and the patent examiner can clearly understand the invention.

Below are some of the views of patent illustration those are widely used by patent illustration service providers and draftspersons.

Also read: Methods of Creating Patent Drawings

Views of Patent Illustration

Isometric views 

Isometric view,  is one of the most important patent drawing views that we use in illustrations for patents. An Isometric view can be defined as a pictorial representation of an object in which all three dimensions are drawn at full scale rather than foreshortening them to the true projection is called as Isometric view.

 In isometric projection, the angles between the projection of the axes are equal i.e. 120º. It is important to stress that it is the angle between the projection of the axes that are being discussed and not the true angles between the axes themselves which are always 90º.

Orthogonal and Perspective views

Including an orthogonal view is not mandatory as per statutory rules of various countries still, it can add a lot in understanding the invention.

Orthogonal Projection is a way of drawing a 3D object from different directions. Usually, a front, side and plan view is drawn so that a person looking at the drawing can see all the important sides. Orthographic drawings are useful especially when a design has been developed to a stage whereby it is almost ready to manufacture.

Sectional views

Sections are used to clarify the interior construction of a part that cannot be clearly described by hidden lines in exterior views. By taking an imaginary cut through the object and removing a portion, the inside features may be seen more clearly. Putting it differently we can say that a sectional view can clearly bring out elements of the design. A sectional view presented to show functional features or interior structure that is not part of the claimed design, is neither required nor permitted.

Duplicate views

Duplicate views are another kind of patent drawing view that a patent illustrator use while making a patent drawing. If the left and right sides of a design are identical or a mirror image, a view should be provided on one side and a statement made in the illustration description that the other side is identical or a mirror image.

Exploded views

If your design has parts that are separable during normal use, you may include an exploded view. This will explain the examiner about the situation when your invention will be unassembled.

Plain and un-ornamented view

A view of any side of a design which is plain and unornamented, such as the flat bottom of a speaker could help patent examiners get the real feel of the drawing.

Flat objects

A thin and flat object such as a quilt, or an embossed design is also used to demonstrate the front and rear view of an object. This design created a visual of the 3D object into 2D figure.

Also read: Qualities of a Good Patent Drawings Company


It is very important to add patent illustrations in the patent application, and adding all possible views of the invention is also very important. Different views of patent drawings help the patent examiner to understand the invention more closely and clearly. So, it is very important to make full use of the patent drawings by adding as many views as required to represent a clear picture of the invention to get a step closer to getting patent approval.

PatSketch for Patent Drawing Services

Ensure your PCT application meets WIPO’s strict patent drawing rules. Whether you need utility patent drawings or design patent drawings, following these standards is essential for the success of your patent application. PatSketch offers expert services, adhering to all necessary guidelines for precise and compliant patent drawings, ensuring your application is clear, accurate, and ready for approval.

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