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Patent Drawings: Takeaways for Draftsperson

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Drawing is something that has fascinated human minds for decades and we have been using it in one form or the other. Since, a drawing is worth thousand words, men have been relying on drawings for effective communication since decades and same goes true even in this knowledge economy wherein inventions and discoveries are accompanied by patent drawings. Though including a drawing for patent is not mandatory, still most of the inventions these days are accompanied by drawings so that the invention can be communicated efficiently and effectively to the examiner.  draftsperson

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) came into existence in the year 1790 and since then the arena of patent drawings has witnessed some major changes in the way they are being created and crafted. Each drawing submitted to the United States shows a different level of commitment, conviction, and engagement those should be appreciated by draftsperson or patent drawing professionals.

The patent drawings help the patent examiner to understand how the invention looks like and what is the functioning of the invention. The drafts of the patent drawings are created by the draftspersons who prepares them as per the guidelines of the USPTO.

With this article, we are going to list some of the important patent drawings and insights a draftsperson can draw from and use as references for his drawings.

Diving Dress Patent Drawing (1810)

Insight: Draftsperson should go for impressive detail with their patent drawings

diving dress
Fig 1: Diving Dress

Source: WikiMedia.org

With the above diving dress, you can see the draftsperson has not only provided every detail of the invention but had also gone to great lengths to shade the face and body of the wearer. Though the objective could have been achieved without shading also but the impression could be missed. The draftsperson also took the time to show where and how the invention can be used with the adjoining boat.

In other words, we can say that much of the patent drawing isn’t necessary to the invention, but it’s clear that the patent illustrator wanted to take the time and include fine details, literally creating an artistic piece.

Also read: When is Patent Drawing Needed?

Flying Machine Patent Drawing (1869)

Insight- Draftsperson should have a quality of attention to detail

flying machine

Fig 2: Flying Machine

Source: Wikimedia.org

The above patent illustration has a couple of things those should be looked at by a draftsperson or a professional patent drawing service provider. For example, the hair and moustache of the man with the flying machine are surely created with extra time. Second, the draftsperson also has used various colors to show different types of material used like wood, metal, and clothes. Third, the pair of sandals the person is wearing are praiseworthy artistic work.

Robot Amusement Ride (1963)

Insight- Draftsperson should try to give actual expression to the image

robot amusement ride

             Fig 3: Robot Amusement Ride

Source: Google Patents

The above ‘Robot Amusement Ride’ patent drawing has some important features that a draftsman can look into and that are “portraying expression” which is evident from the facial expression of the children sitting in the cabin. Though it was not needed at all but still when it comes to artistic approach it certainly matters.

Also read: How to Make your Utility Patent Drawing More Relevant?


All we can say is that patent drawings or illustrations for patents are not merely about science but the artistic part of the same should also be kept in mind. A draftsperson should keep these soft skills in mind too while making drawings for patents. A draftsperson can help in making the patent application successful by drafting clear and descriptive patent drawings. These drawings may not be compulsory but adding them to the patent application will improve the chances of getting patent approval. The draftsperson is a professional and thus is reliable to do the task with perfection without worrying about any problem in it.

The added details in the patent drawings just improve the scope of patent application where you can source down your invention and illustrator your invention easily.

PatSketch for Patent Drawing Services

PatSketch provide patent drawings at the lowest cost with expertise. We have draftspersons working in the field for years now. They create perfect utility or design patent drawings to support your patent application. We strive to achieve full customer satisfaction and we provide any number of iterations at no extra cost. Our drawings are prepared at flat rates and the draftspersons are well-equipped to cater to any needs even if they are complicated.

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