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How Patent Illustrator Can Help Companies in their Patent Drafting Process

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Patent Illustrator

A Patent illustrator is a person or entity that offers patent drawing services to companies and organizations. Earlier, a patent illustrator was not needed much because the numbers of litigation filed were very few. However, these days the numbers of patent litigation have increased manifold and thus there is an obligation from the inventor’s end to put as much information as possible for their invention, so that, they can defend their point aggressively at the time of need.

Before we move on to describing how a patent illustrator helps companies in their patent drafting process, let’s first understand why we need these professionals at all in the first place.

It’s indisputably true, that, drawings worth a thousand words and this is why we use patent drawing with every patent application we submit to a patent office these days. Though, including a patent illustration or patent drawing, is not mandatory as per the statutory rules, still, viewing its importance and significance it is recommendable.

However, creating drawing for patents is not like typical drawings that we did in our school days. In the case of normal drawing, we have the liberty to put our imagination visually without having the need to follow certain set of rules. But in the case of patent drawing, there are set of rules that should be followed and the imagination should be put in such a way that not only it reflects your creativity but at the same time it should adhere to specified regulatory rules.

Since creating a killer patent illustration requires a fair understanding of patent regulatory norms with sufficient artistic skills there is a need for people or entities that are professional patent illustrator and can create patent drawings that are acceptable to the respective patent office.

How a patent illustrator can add value to our patent drafting process?

They are acquainted with patent regulatory norms: To be considered as a professional draftsperson, it’s important that the person/entity has a fair understanding of patent regulatory rules. Without sufficient knowledge of patent regime, the concerned party will not be able to adhere to patent drawing rules put forth by various patent offices.

Adhering to patent drawing rules is mandatory as patent office like the U.S. PTO doesn’t entertain drawings that fail to follow the specified set of rules. For example, a draftsperson should create their illustration in a sheet that has a size either of 21 cm x 29.7 cm which is also called as A4 size or b) 21.6 cm x 27.9 cm. A drawing that is created on a sheet having the size other than the one mentioned above will face a rejection. Likewise, there are specific ways of drawing margins on a patent illustration. There are plenty of other rules those need to be followed while creating drawings for inventions.

All these rules can be understood and followed by those who are expert in drafting patent illustrations for inventions and thus we need a patent illustrator who can do justice with your invested time and money.

They have inherent artistic skills: Patent drawing requires a fair balance of mechanics and artistic skills. While on the one hand we need to ensure that we follow various rules put forth by the respective patent office, at the same time we need to have artistic skills like creativity and imagination. Only if we have an inherent artistic skill we can put client’s imagination on paper. A professional patent draftsperson is the one having an inherent artistic skill.

They are well acquainted with computer designing software: Initially, patent illustrations were made on paper but with the passage of time and advancement of technologies computer designing software are replacing it. There are plenty of software and computer systems available these days that we can use to create error-free patent drawings like AutoCAD, CorelDRAW, Visio, and SolidWorks. Efficient working on these computer programs requires a fair understanding of the respective interface and prolonged experience. A professional patent illustrator, know how to work on the software to get the desired result and thus they can help companies create an illustration that is agreeable to both clients and the patent office.

They create drawing in specified period: The idea that you conceived could be new for you but chances are that someone, somewhere, in the world, might be thinking about the same. With the advent of First-to-File patent regime, it’s important to produce your idea as soon as possible to the respective patent office along with maintaining the accuracy. You can create your own drawing but you don’t have the whole life to present it to the respective patent office and here comes the importance of an efficient and professional patent drawing service provider.


To sum it up, we can say that an efficient patent illustrator is the need of the time. Viewing the fact that you don’t have the entire life to get your idea protected, a professional draftsperson could be of immense help as they can produce illustrations for inventions that are acceptable to respective patent office. The patent illustrations add much more value to the patent application and improve the chances of getting the patent illustration accepted.

PatSketch for Patent drawing services

We have a bunch of professionals that have been working and providing patent services for years. They are well-equipped with the technology to provide you the best patent drawing and other services. Our services are designed to cater to all customer needs and provide satisfaction which is why we also provide any number of iterations. Visit us to know more about our services or contact us.

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