How to Correct Patent Drawing Errors Under Rules 11a and 11h

How to Correct Patent Drawing Errors Under Rules 11a and 11h

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When companies fail to follow the patent office guidelines on multiple rules such as sheet size, margin, hatching, etc., they get a chance to correct patent drawing errors. The patent office creates an office action under Rule 11a and 11h that gives them a chance to correct patent drawing errors. An inventor must submit the office action in a given timeframe to overcome any penalty. This penalty can result in the delay of the patent filing process. This article explores the causes and solutions to overcome and eliminate any type of office action that allows you to file the patent in one-go.

Let us begin by identifying the causes of an office action under rule 11a and 11h.

Also Read: How to Avoid USPTO Rejections on Patent Drawings

Causes of an Office Action

  1. Size of sheets: Patent offices usually have specific guidelines in place with regards to the size of the sheets. When sheet size is not as per the guidelines; it may result in an office action.
  2. Margin issues: These issues occur when the margin taken in sheet size is not correct and the drawings overlap with the boundaries.
  3. Hatching: This occurs when hatching is the same in all the cross-sections or hatching in the index is different from hatching used in drawings.
  4. Colored drawings: When filed patent drawings must possess colors.

Thus, you can follow the solutions given below to correct patent drawing errors while preparing drawings.

Also Read: EPO Drawing Rules and Guidelines


  1. Size of Sheets: The acceptable sheet size should be – A4 (8.26 * 11.69 inches) or Letter Size should be – (8.5 * 11 inches).
  2. Margin Issues: Margin differences should be visible between boundaries and drawings.
  3. Hatching: You must use different types of hatching for different parts and cross-sections.
  4. Colored Drawings: Drawings should be durable black.

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Correct Patent Drawing Errors? – Use PatSketch Recommendations

  1. Size of Sheets: Sheet size should always be either A4 or letter size. This is acceptable in all jurisdictions.
  2. Margin Issues: You must consider the margins according to the guidelines: Top 2 cm, Left – 2.5 cm, Right – 2 cm, Bottom – 2 cm.
  3. Hatching: There should be an index above graphs, which represent what each line type of hatch type indicates.
  4. Colored drawings: You must prepare the drawings in all black lines with white background without any color.

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Implementing Rules to Correct Patent Drawing Errors

  1. Size of Sheets: A patent drawing professional should prepare a default layout for both A4 and letter size.
  2. Margin Issues: They must include a pre-assigned margin in default layouts.
  3. Hatching: They must prepare the Index first so that there isn’t any confusion while assigning hatching to different parts.
  4. Colored Drawings: They must always prepare the Drawings in durable black color. However, as some jurisdictions accept images, they can also use grayscale drawings in that place. Further, you can particularly apply in the case of heat diagrams.  

Hence, the above solutions and recommendations should serve as a guide to correct patent drawing errors before the patent filing process. Thus, this helps in not generating any office action. Therefore, taking the help of a professional helps you navigate through the patent office design and utility patent drawing requirements. PatSketch’s Patent Drawings Support team offers their expertise in drafting a thorough patent application. Click here to know more details on this service.

Punit Mehta (Illustration) and the Editorial Team

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