Secure Your Patent Drawings_Top 6 Methods

Secure your Patent Drawings: Top 6 Methods

In the 21st century, there are many ways to gain success from your investments. One such idea is to get Patent for your idea. While framing/creating the patent application/document, it’s better to illustrate particular concepts with the help of Patent drawings. They are a visual representation (such as, an illustration of embodiments, chemical equations, stages,[…]

How to Invest Less in Patent Drawings

How to Invest less in Patent Drawings?

Preparing patent drawings following the USPTO specifications and the invention requirements is an intimidating and nerve-wracking task. Well, is it okay to trust some third-party patent illustrator to create patent drawings for your patent that could do full justification for what you desire? Also, is it possible that you can create your patent drawings? Moreover, will[…]

Better Drawings Assure Better Patents

Better Drawings Assures Better Patent: Know Why & How?

“A picture says it all.” Well, Yes! in case of patent drawings, this ancient proverb is undoubtedly true. The best and the most appropriate way to cut short the time of understanding anything is to represent it through images. In this case, we mean accurate and clearly labeled drawings within the patent application. USPTO doesn’t[…]

Ways to Improve Patent Drawings Quality

Ways to Improve Patent Drawings Quality

Patent drawings are a visual representation that enhances the readability of the patent application. It includes illustrations of embodiments, chemical equations, stages, flowcharts, etc. They are involved in a patent application according to the United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) rules and regulations for patent drawings. However, there are some basic concepts which we[…]

Patent Drawings Rules

Patent Drawings Rules: Part III

To explain the invention, it is must to present drawings along with patent application in front of the USPTO. The drawings must follow the guidelines for patent drawing rules set forth by the USPTO to get the success. The drawings do not have to deal with the art, but ought to describe and demonstrate your invention[…]

5 Major Misconceptions about Patent Invention Drawings

5 Major Misconceptions about Patent Invention Drawings

Patent Invention Drawings are a part of the patent application that contains invention related illustrations and specifications. Patent drawing facilitates everyone to easily understand the invention. There are a number of pre-requisites provided by the USPTO for creating drawings for the patent application. They range from the paper quality, paper size, margins, ink color, etc.[…]

Creating Patent Drawing - Why to Hire a Professional Service

Creating Patent Drawing – Why to Hire a Professional Service?

Creating Patent Drawing – Patent grant process has always been a troublesome and time-taking activity from the very first day of its filing. The patent grant not only depends upon the inventor’s skills but also upon his patience level.  It also depends upon the investment amount to fill all the fees.  Keeping track of all the[…]

Formatting Details of Utility Patent Drawings

Formatting Details of Utility Patent Drawings

Patent drawing is one of the most important elements of a patent application as it streamlines the whole patent granting process. With an aesthetic patent drawing, we can speak a lot about our invention without writing a whole bunch of texts. However, applicants should know the proper way of formatting a drawing otherwise it may[…]


Why Patent Drawings are accepted in One Country and Rejected in Another?

Why a patent drawing that is accepted in one country is rejected in another? If this is something you are wondering about then this article will be immensely useful. In fact, patent drawing rules are complex and this is why it’s important to know these rules before you submit a drawing to the respective patent[…]

patent drawing companies

Advantages of Hiring a Patent Drawing Company

Patent drawing is a component that is not required as per the statutory rules of various patent offices; still, it makes sense to include a patent drawing as it can increase the chances of your patent application being approved. This is not a guarantee, but it’s a hope and we can say this, is, because[…]