why should you hire a good patent illustrator

Why should you hire a good patent illustrator?

Patent illustrations are the graphical representations which ease the task of describing the invention in the patent application. Patent illustrator helps the patent applicant to create an effective and stunning drawing for their invention. A first-time inventor always asks if he really needs a patent illustrator for his patent application.  It is because he may[…]


Some Incredible Drawings of Thomas Edison’s Inventions

Patent drawings have always been an essential component of patents. Not only it gives a clear picture of your invention but also minimizes the examiner’s time to grant the license. Down the ages, inventors have been using illustrations for patents as a useful tool to convey their ideas. However, with the advancement of time creating[…]

Essential Tips for Patent Illustrations (1)

3 Important Tips for Patent Illustrations while Applying Patent Applications

While applying for a patent, the law requires that an applicant must provide at least one patent illustration (also called patent drawings). Basically, an inventor includes drawing in the application to ease the process of understanding and to help create a better quality of an application. Mainly in the situation where the invention deals with a process, it[…]


Why Patent Drawings are accepted in One Country and Rejected in Another?

Why a patent drawing that is accepted in one country is rejected in another? If this is something you are wondering about then this article will be immensely useful. In fact, patent drawing rules are complex and this is why it’s important to know these rules before you submit a drawing to the respective patent[…]


Patent drawings: takeaways for draftsperson

Drawing is something that has fascinated human minds for decades and we have been using it in one form or the other. Since, a drawing worth thousand words, men have been relying on drawings for effective communication since decades and same goes true even in this knowledge economy wherein inventions and discoveries are accompanied by[…]

drawings for patents

Patent Illustrations: Understanding from Scratch

Patent illustrations can be of immense use when it comes to presenting a patent draft convincingly. Not only it makes your idea clearer to the respective patent office but also helps put our point firmly in the Court during litigation. Patent illustrations also called as patent drawings are though not mandatory as per statutory rules[…]

patent drawing company

Qualities a Patent Drawing Company should Have

Patent drawing companies are those companies that help patent seekers create an effective and stunning drawing for their ideas and/or inventions. These days, there are plenty of companies that offer patent illustration services to their clients, however, not all are at par with the required standards. And hence, it’s important for companies to ensure right[…]

Why to Outsource Patent Drawing Services to Experts?

Why to outsource patent drawing services to experts? This is one of the most important questions asked by companies or law firms prior to making a patent illustration for their invention. The reason is simple, unlike normal drawing; patent drawing requires certain rules to be fulfilled as prescribed by the respective patent office. These rules[…]