
Advantages of Hiring The Patent Drawings Company

Patent drawings or illustrations for patents are the easiest visual form of understanding an invention. Though, it is not compulsory for applicants to include a drawing for their invention still it is recommended as it can help a lot down the line. There are many companies that offer patent drawing services to their clients these days[…]


Why to Hire Expert Patent Illustrator for Your Patent Drawings

No matter, whether you are drafting a provisional patent application or a complete application, subject matter disclosure is important. Subject matter disclosure can be done either by including specific texts and/or by including patent drawings. However, we must agree that a picture speaks thousand words and it is advisable to include drawings wherever you can.[…]

patent drawing companies

Advantages of Hiring a Patent Drawing Company

Patent drawing is a component that is not required as per the statutory rules of various patent offices; still, it makes sense to include a patent drawing as it can increase the chances of your patent application being approved. This is not a guarantee, but it’s a hope and we can say this, is, because[…]

patent drawing for uspto

How to Make Patent Drawing Suitable for the Patent Office?

Patent drawing, also called as illustration for patents is vital for the success of your invention. Though various patent offices like USPTO have not mandated it and a draft-person has the liberty to include or not include it in their patent drafting document, still, viewing its importance, it is recommended to include a patent drawing[…]

Methods of Creating Patent Drawing

Patent drawing or patent illustration is one of the most important elements of patent documents that are submitted to respective patent offices like U.S. Patent Office or EPO. Though it is not mandatory to include a drawing to your documents still it is prudent. Since, our main goal here is to get our patent approved; a[…]

Why to Outsource Patent Drawing Services to Experts?

Why to outsource patent drawing services to experts? This is one of the most important questions asked by companies or law firms prior to making a patent illustration for their invention. The reason is simple, unlike normal drawing; patent drawing requires certain rules to be fulfilled as prescribed by the respective patent office. These rules[…]


When is a Patent Drawing Needed?

Don’t know why, but for some reasons there are many inventors who are willing to spend weeks, even months, explaining their work in text but are reluctant to create simple drawings that can often provide a much better explanation. In fact, they argue, if it is necessary to submit a patent drawing at all along[…]


Why you need patent drawings for your patent application?

We know that visual representation is more effective than textual representation and the same is true for patent applications. Rather than presenting just a written description to the patent examiner, it is much more worthwhile to have patent drawings or patent illustrations accompanying the description. Though patent offices like USPTO and EPO have not made it mandatory[…]

Best practices for utility patent illustrations

Utility patent illustrations also known as utility patent drawings are one of the most important elements of a patent application and are used by applicants to describe their invention in a better way. Though, including patent drawings are not mandatory still each patent application should be accompanied by drawings as they can help applicants in[…]