Top Reasons to buy Accurate & Professional Patent Illustration Services

Top Reasons to buy Accurate & Professional Patent Illustration Services

You need to ensure that your patent drawings to strike the hammer on the nail while describing your invention. Hence, it is wise to seek illustration services to achieve this target. A drawing is less time consuming and easier to understand in contrast to going through long paragraphs of descriptions. Basically, patent drawings are an[…]

Patent Illustration_Key Tips to Remember

Patent Illustration: Key Tips to Remember

A patent illustration is the visual embodiment of a patent description in patent applications. Their purpose is to elucidate the invention clearly. The illustrations may include diagrams, flow charts, chemical equations, standard views, reference numbers and photographs (only in special cases) of the invention. Every jurisdiction has a set of rules which you need to adhere[…]

Patent Drawings Rules

Patent Drawings Rules: Part III

To explain the invention, it is must to present drawings along with patent application in front of the USPTO. The drawings must follow the guidelines for patent drawing rules set forth by the USPTO to get the success. The drawings do not have to deal with the art, but ought to describe and demonstrate your invention[…]

patent drawing company

Qualities a Patent Drawing Company should Have

Patent drawing companies are those companies that help patent seekers create an effective and stunning drawing for their ideas and/or inventions. These days, there are plenty of companies that offer patent illustration services to their clients, however, not all are at par with the required standards. And hence, it’s important for companies to ensure right[…]

What are Various Views of Patent Drawings?

If you are filing a design patent application it is recommended to start off with a design patent illustration that can describe your invention appropriately and accurately. There are various kinds of views that can be portrayed in patent drawings to visualize your invention comprehensively and some of them are as follows: Views of Patent[…]