Essential Tips for Patent Illustrations (1)

3 Important Tips for Patent Illustrations while Applying Patent Applications

While applying for a patent, the law requires that an applicant must provide at least one patent illustration (also called patent drawings). Basically, an inventor includes drawing in the application to ease the process of understanding and to help create a better quality of an application. Mainly in the situation where the invention deals with a process, it[…]

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Patent Drawings 101 : Types, Importance, & Common Mistakes

Patent drawings are the visual form of patent description. Invention drawings provide the best possible way to understand the details of the invention, without reading the complete specifications. There is no law that claims the inclusion of drawings as a compulsion. However, since it helps to understand well in less time, it is wise to[…]


Patent drawings: takeaways for draftsperson

Drawing is something that has fascinated human minds for decades and we have been using it in one form or the other. Since, a drawing worth thousand words, men have been relying on drawings for effective communication since decades and same goes true even in this knowledge economy wherein inventions and discoveries are accompanied by[…]

patent drawing experts

What patent drawing experts say about dimensions

Patent drawing experts put much emphasis on dimensioning because it is one of the most fundamental elements of a patent drawing that should be done accurately and precisely. With this article we came up with do’s and dont’s of dimensioning in patent drawings which should be followed by people who are creating it irrespective of[…]


Facts to know before creating illustrations for patents

Illustrations or patent drawings are one of the most important elements of a patent draft. If made prudently and wisely, it can help you a lot in expediting the overall patent granting process. Unlike other kinds of normal drawings, making drawings for patents demands understandings of patent drawing rules, acquaintance with the patent regulatory framework[…]


Line types and line weights in multi view patent drawings

Patent drawings are very structured documents and thus care should be given to each element of the drawing. A single mistake can make or break your overall objective. Patent drawings also called as patent illustrations are one of the most important elements of a patent draft. If made prudently, it can help you a lot[…]


Scaling Rules Patent Drawing Service Provider should Follow

What does scaling mean in patent drawings? In our school days we used scales as an instrument to draw a straight line but in technical drawing ‘scale’ means the proportion of ratio between the dimensions adopted for the drawing and the corresponding dimensions of the object. For example, if we wish to create drawing for a[…]


Why to Hire Expert Patent Illustrator for Your Patent Drawings

No matter, whether you are drafting a provisional patent application or a complete application, subject matter disclosure is important. Subject matter disclosure can be done either by including specific texts and/or by including patent drawings. However, we must agree that a picture speaks thousand words and it is advisable to include drawings wherever you can.[…]

drawings for patents

Patent Illustrations: Understanding from Scratch

Patent illustrations can be of immense use when it comes to presenting a patent draft convincingly. Not only it makes your idea clearer to the respective patent office but also helps put our point firmly in the Court during litigation. Patent illustrations also called as patent drawings are though not mandatory as per statutory rules[…]

patent drawing services

The Different ‘Line Types’ Used in Patent Illustrations

Unlike general drawings, each and every component of a patent illustration has a definite meaning, including ‘lines’. We can’t just draw any line and submit it to the patent office. Patent offices like USPTO have clear guidelines on using lines and thus with this article we have come up with some information regarding different ‘line[…]