Why Patent Drawings Services are Important

Why Patent Drawings Services are Important?

Patent drawings services are an aid to the inventors for creating illustrations, embodiments, with several views and photographs. Although not compulsory drawings play an important role by giving a pictorial presentation of the invention. During the drafting process, make sure the format of the drawings is as per a particular format as per the USPTO[…]


Scaling Rules Patent Drawing Service Provider should Follow

What does scaling mean in patent drawings? In our school days we used scales as an instrument to draw a straight line but in technical drawing ‘scale’ means the proportion of ratio between the dimensions adopted for the drawing and the corresponding dimensions of the object. For example, if we wish to create drawing for a[…]

Why to Outsource Patent Drawing Services to Experts?

Why to outsource patent drawing services to experts? This is one of the most important questions asked by companies or law firms prior to making a patent illustration for their invention. The reason is simple, unlike normal drawing; patent drawing requires certain rules to be fulfilled as prescribed by the respective patent office. These rules[…]

patent drawing services

Various Kinds of Draftspersons in Patent Drawing Services

Patent drawing is a vast, comprehensive and a complex domain that involves many schools and disciplines. When you are about to outsource your patent drawing services to some third party, it is important to know whether your patent drawing service provider is equipped with draftspersons that can do justice with your allocated task. The same[…]