Patent Drawings Rules

Patent Drawings Rules: Part II

Patent Drawings “Art is not a thing, It is a way to Success.”                                            ~Elbert Hubbad The quote mentioned above can be justified for patent drawings as well. Since, patent drawings is an art which requires[…]

drawings for patents

How drawings for patents make an application better?

“A picture speaks a thousand words” that ancient adage certainly holds true in the case of patent drawings. An invention can often be more easily explained through drawings than in reams of description. Accurate, clear drawings strengthen and enhance patent applications, helping overloaded patent examiners to understand inventions faster.   Though drawing for patents are[…]


Patent drawings: takeaways for draftsperson

Drawing is something that has fascinated human minds for decades and we have been using it in one form or the other. Since, a drawing worth thousand words, men have been relying on drawings for effective communication since decades and same goes true even in this knowledge economy wherein inventions and discoveries are accompanied by[…]

patent drawing company

Qualities a Patent Drawing Company should Have

Patent drawing companies are those companies that help patent seekers create an effective and stunning drawing for their ideas and/or inventions. These days, there are plenty of companies that offer patent illustration services to their clients, however, not all are at par with the required standards. And hence, it’s important for companies to ensure right[…]

Tips on creating patent drawings for inventions

Patent drawings could be of immense use if it is provided right at the appropriate time. No matter whether you are going to file a utility patent or a design patent for your invention, an accurate patent drawing will convey your invention in a much more proper manner. With a detailed and clear utility patent[…]