Drawings, Sketching, Designing, And Drafting

Drawings, Sketching, Designing, And Drafting: Are They All Same?

Humans have been expressing their inner hearts through drawings, sketches, paintings, and other visual forms right from the advent of civilization. However, these human aesthetics have been given proper recognition when the patent regime came into existence, and their importance was realized while documenting the full make-out of an invention or article of manufacture. No[…]


Why Patent Drawings are accepted in One Country and Rejected in Another?

Why a patent drawing that is accepted in one country is rejected in another? If this is something you are wondering about then this article will be immensely useful. In fact, patent drawing rules are complex and this is why it’s important to know these rules before you submit a drawing to the respective patent[…]


Increasing Relevance of Drawings for Patents

A Patent drawing or a patent illustration is not merely an art but also requires in-depth understandings of patent regulatory norms. Though an artistic flavor is something which is of utmost importance in drawings for patents, still there are some important rules and simply by following those rules we can increase the relevance of our drawings[…]

patent drawing line types

Various Line Types Used in a Patent Illustration and Patent Drawings

As we discussed earlier creating patent drawings are not like drawings that we did in our school days. Here we have a set of rules those needs to be followed religiously and failing which could put our objective in jeopardy. Apart from general patent drawing rules, we have also set of rules for creating various[…]

patent drawing services

Various Kinds of Draftspersons in Patent Drawing Services

Patent drawing is a vast, comprehensive and a complex domain that involves many schools and disciplines. When you are about to outsource your patent drawing services to some third party, it is important to know whether your patent drawing service provider is equipped with draftspersons that can do justice with your allocated task. The same[…]