Top Reasons to buy Accurate & Professional Patent Illustration Services

Top Reasons to buy Accurate & Professional Patent Illustration Services

You need to ensure that your patent drawings to strike the hammer on the nail while describing your invention. Hence, it is wise to seek illustration services to achieve this target. A drawing is less time consuming and easier to understand in contrast to going through long paragraphs of descriptions. Basically, patent drawings are an[…]

Patent Illustration_Key Tips to Remember

Patent Illustration: Key Tips to Remember

A patent illustration is the visual embodiment of a patent description in patent applications. Their purpose is to elucidate the invention clearly. The illustrations may include diagrams, flow charts, chemical equations, standard views, reference numbers and photographs (only in special cases) of the invention. Every jurisdiction has a set of rules which you need to adhere[…]

US Patent Drawing Rules

All You Need to Know about US Patent Drawings Rules

US Patent drawings need to follow a set of instructions by the USPTO for every illustration in your application. Almost all patent applications contain drawings. In fact, providing a drawing is vital for the better elucidation of the subject matter in the patent request. However, it is essential to follow the rules while preparing US patent[…]

Why Patent Drawings Services are Important

Why Patent Drawings Services are Important?

Patent drawings services are an aid to the inventors for creating illustrations, embodiments, with several views and photographs. Although not compulsory drawings play an important role by giving a pictorial presentation of the invention. During the drafting process, make sure the format of the drawings is as per a particular format as per the USPTO[…]

Design Patent Drawing Requirement – Important Points to follow

Design Patent Drawing Requirement – Important Points to follow

Design Patent drawing is the visualization of the design of the Invention. They include details such as shape, texture, physical property, outline and surface characteristics. For a design patent, the drawings are the equivalent of the soul of the application. You must ensure that you include accurate drawings in your design patent application. These will[…]

best patent drawing services whom to trust

Best Patent Drawings services – Whom to trust?

Patent drawings services are the services provided by Patent illustrators. This includes the creation of drawings according to the Invention. Every new Invention needs an illustration in the form of drawings to ease the interpretation of the invention. Patent drawings services provide a professional’s touch, who ensure that your drawings follow the latest guidelines and[…]

why should you hire a good patent illustrator

Why should you hire a good patent illustrator?

Patent illustrations are the graphical representations which ease the task of describing the invention in the patent application. Patent illustrator helps the patent applicant to create an effective and stunning drawing for their invention. A first-time inventor always asks if he really needs a patent illustrator for his patent application.  It is because he may[…]

Patent Drawing

Patent Drawing: Key points to remember

A vital part of your patent application is patent drawing. They are illustrations which depict your invention, its intricate parts and the processes involved. Whether your invention is a new product or a process, a patent drawing boosts your chances of getting a patent. However, it is absolutely critical to know the do’s and don’ts[…]

USPTO Guidelines for Patent Drawing Rules

Patent drawing rules are the guidelines set by the USPTO for the applicant in terms of photographs, flowcharts, graphs, drawings, etc. While filing for a Patent application, keep the rules in priority. Basically, Provisional Patent applications don’t require drawings but non-Provisional Patent requires a minimum of one drawing. While working on these drawings, you must keep[…]

Utility Patent

What is a Utility Patent?

Utility refers to the term that describes the usefulness of any good obtained by the user. Similarly Utility Patent means a Patent that defines the usefulness of a new or improved product, process, machinery or matter composition. It is also termed as ‘Patent for invention’. Although Utility Patent is hard to get, consumes a lot[…]