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patent drawing purpose

Patent Drawing: Elucidating the Purpose

Irrespective of the fact whether you are intending to file a utility patent or a design patent, a patent drawing can improve the likelihood of patent approval. Though, it is not mandatory as per the statutory rules still it can be of great value down the lines. In the domain of patent filing if a[…]

Patent Drawing Amendments

Important Amendment Rules for Patent Drawing

Abiding the Rules of 37 CFR 1.121 :  All amendments made in the patent drawing should be in accordance with Title 37 – Code of Federal Regulations Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights. Any amendment made beyond the scope of this rule will not be entertained by the respective PTO. Amendments must be on separate sheet: One[…]

patent drawing companies

Advantages of Hiring a Patent Drawing Company

Patent drawing is a component that is not required as per the statutory rules of various patent offices; still, it makes sense to include a patent drawing as it can increase the chances of your patent application being approved. This is not a guarantee, but it’s a hope and we can say this because drawings[…]

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