patent drawing purpose

Patent Drawing: Elucidating the Purpose

Irrespective of the fact whether you are intending to file a utility patent or a design patent, a patent drawing can improve the likelihood of patent approval. Though, it is not mandatory as per the statutory rules still it can be of great value down the lines. In the domain of patent filing if a[…]


Increasing Relevance of Drawings for Patents

A Patent drawing or a patent illustration is not merely an art but also requires in-depth understandings of patent regulatory norms. Though an artistic flavor is something which is of utmost importance in drawings for patents, still there are some important rules and simply by following those rules we can increase the relevance of our drawings[…]

Design Patent Drawing

Design Patent Drawing: Best Practices

Unlike a utility patent which protects the functionality of an article, a design patent protects the appearance of the same. Since a design patent doesn’t protect the structural or functional feature of an article a design patent drawing prepared to support your drawing would be different from a utility patent drawing. Before  we move on to the[…]

Patent Drawings for Businesses

General Rules for Patent Drawing

Creating a drawing for patent is much different from the one we did in our school days. Unlike the drawing in school, here, we have certain rules and we need to follow these rules religiously, failing which can cost a rejection in the patent application. No matter whether the drawing is a utility patent drawing[…]


When is a Patent Drawing Needed?

Don’t know why, but for some reasons there are many inventors who are willing to spend weeks, even months, explaining their work in text but are reluctant to create simple drawings that can often provide a much better explanation. In fact, they argue, if it is necessary to submit a patent drawing at all along[…]

Tips on creating patent drawings for inventions

Patent drawings could be of immense use if it is provided right at the appropriate time. No matter whether you are going to file a utility patent or a design patent for your invention, an accurate patent drawing will convey your invention in a much more proper manner. With a detailed and clear utility patent[…]


Types of Utility Patent Illustrations in a Patent

Utility patent illustrations are used with utility patent application to let examiners have a clear understanding about our invention. Not only it helps examiners, understand the invention but can also be of immense use in case of infringement and prosecution. Patent illustrations or patent drawings are one of the most important elements of a patent[…]