Utility Patent

What is a Utility Patent?

Utility refers to the term that describes the usefulness of any good obtained by the user. Similarly Utility Patent means a Patent that defines the usefulness of a new or improved product, process, machinery or matter composition. It is also termed as ‘Patent for invention’. Although Utility Patent is hard to get, consumes a lot[…]


Patent Drawings Rules: Part I

Patent Drawings  Rules “Every practice has a set of rules which governs it.”  ~ Fiel Valdez                                                The quote mentioned above is accurate to its simplicity. Rules and regulations are essential for society as[…]


Why you need patent drawings for your patent application?

We know that visual representation is more effective than textual representation and the same is true for patent applications. Rather than presenting just a written description to the patent examiner, it is much more worthwhile to have patent drawings or patent illustrations accompanying the description. Though patent offices like USPTO and EPO have not made it mandatory[…]


Types of Utility Patent Illustrations in a Patent

Utility patent illustrations are used with utility patent application to let examiners have a clear understanding about our invention. Not only it helps examiners, understand the invention but can also be of immense use in case of infringement and prosecution. Patent illustrations or patent drawings are one of the most important elements of a patent[…]