Ways to Improve Patent Drawings Quality

Ways to Improve Patent Drawings Quality

Patent drawings are a visual representation that enhances the readability of the patent application. It includes illustrations of embodiments, chemical equations, stages, flowcharts, etc. They are involved in a patent application according to the United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) rules and regulations for patent drawings. However, there are some basic concepts which we[…]

Creating Patent Drawing - Why to Hire a Professional Service

Creating Patent Drawing – Why to Hire a Professional Service?

Creating Patent Drawing – Patent grant process has always been a troublesome and time-taking activity from the very first day of its filing. The patent grant not only depends upon the inventor’s skills but also upon his patience level.  It also depends upon the investment amount to fill all the fees.  Keeping track of all the[…]

Patent Illustration Requirements

Patent Illustration Requirements

Creating an illustration for patents is a completely different affair as it involves strict compliance with the patent regulatory norms of the intended jurisdiction. Unlike other forms of illustration, here, the draftsperson needs to have a complete understanding of the subject matter as well as the patent illustration rules set forth by the respective patent office. Irrespective of the fact whether[…]

Tips on creating patent drawings for inventions

Patent drawings could be of immense use if it is provided right at the appropriate time. No matter whether you are going to file a utility patent or a design patent for your invention, an accurate patent drawing will convey your invention in a much more proper manner. With a detailed and clear utility patent[…]