Creating Illustrations for Inventions

Creating Illustrations for Inventions: The Basic Rules

We must have heard this adage “A picture speaks a thousand words.”  This goes true for patent drawings or creating illustrations for Inventions, because, drawings that are drawn meticulously, clearly, and consciously can speak much more about your invention than reams of words. In other words, we can say is that a useful patent drawing can[…]


Increasing Relevance of Drawings for Patents

A Patent drawing or a patent illustration is not merely an art but also requires in-depth understandings of patent regulatory norms. Though an artistic flavor is something which is of utmost importance in drawings for patents, still there are some important rules and simply by following those rules we can increase the relevance of our drawings[…]

Patent Drawing Rules

Patent Drawing Rules

Patent drawing rules are complex and this is why it’s important to know these rules before you submit a drawing to the respective patent office. The important point that we need to consider while creating illustrations for patents is that, here, we have a set of rules which needs to be followed religiously. Simply, by not[…]


Art of Creating Drawings for Patents

Creating drawings for patents is an art that requires well acquaintances not only with the patent regulatory norms but also of relevant computer aided designing software like AutoCAD. Accompanying an application with a patent illustration is not mandatory, still, if it’s used will be of great value as it can help examiners understand the idea clearly.[…]

Patent Drawing Amendments

Important Amendment Rules for Patent Drawing

Abiding the Rules of 37 CFR 1.121 :  All amendments made in the patent drawing should be in accordance with Title 37 – Code of Federal Regulations Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights. Any amendment made beyond the scope of this rule will not be entertained by the respective PTO. Amendments must be on separate sheet: One[…]