patent drawing purpose

Patent Drawing: Elucidating the Purpose

Irrespective of the fact whether you are intending to file a utility patent or a design patent, a patent drawing can improve the likelihood of patent approval. Though, it is not mandatory as per the statutory rules still it can be of great value down the lines. In the domain of patent filing if a[…]


Art of Creating Drawings for Patents

Creating drawings for patents is an art that requires well acquaintances not only with the patent regulatory norms but also of relevant computer aided designing software like AutoCAD. Accompanying an application with a patent illustration is not mandatory, still, if it’s used will be of great value as it can help examiners understand the idea clearly.[…]


Why you need patent drawings for your patent application?

We know that visual representation is more effective than textual representation and the same is true for patent applications. Rather than presenting just a written description to the patent examiner, it is much more worthwhile to have patent drawings or patent illustrations accompanying the description. Though patent offices like USPTO and EPO have not made it mandatory[…]