Drawings, Sketching, Designing, And Drafting

Drawings, Sketching, Designing, And Drafting: Are They All Same?

Humans have been expressing their inner hearts through drawings, sketches, paintings, and other visual forms right from the advent of civilization. However, these human aesthetics have been given proper recognition when the patent regime came into existence, and their importance was realized while documenting the full make-out of an invention or article of manufacture. No[…]

A to Z of Patent Drawings

Patent drawings also called as patent illustrations are one of the most important elements of a patent draft. If made prudently and wisely, it can help you a lot in expediting the overall patent granting process. Not only it makes your idea clear and easy to understand but also helps owner put their point firmly[…]

What are Various Views of Patent Drawings?

If you are filing a design patent application it is recommended to start off with a design patent illustration that can describe your invention appropriately and accurately. There are various kinds of views that can be portrayed in patent drawings to visualize your invention comprehensively and some of them are as follows: Views of Patent[…]