Secure Your Patent Drawings_Top 6 Methods

Secure your Patent Drawings: Top 6 Methods

In the 21st century, there are many ways to gain success from your investments. One such idea is to get Patent for your idea. While framing/creating the patent application/document, it’s better to illustrate particular concepts with the help of Patent drawings. They are a visual representation (such as, an illustration of embodiments, chemical equations, stages,[…]

How TPDC (The Patent Drawings Company) can add value to its customers

How TPDC (The Patent Drawings Company) can add value to its customers

How TPDC (The Patent Drawings Company) can add value to its customers? Patent Drawings are the easiest visual form of understanding an invention. These help in knowing the invention in detail. Basically, patent drawings are of two types (a) Utility Patent Drawings and (b) Design Patent Drawings. While a Utility patent protects the application and functionality[…]