Patent Drawing Symbols

Patent Drawing Symbols: Everything You Need To Know

The success of a patent application relies mostly on the way we present our information to the USPTO. If it is convincing enough, chances are, that it might grant patent comparatively in a lesser period. Patent drawings are one of those tools that we use in the patent application. The objective is to let examiners[…]


When is a Patent Drawing Needed?

Don’t know why, but for some reasons there are many inventors who are willing to spend weeks, even months, explaining their work in text but are reluctant to create simple drawings that can often provide a much better explanation. In fact, they argue, if it is necessary to submit a patent drawing at all along[…]

Best practices for utility patent illustrations

Utility patent illustrations also known as utility patent drawings are one of the most important elements of a patent application and are used by applicants to describe their invention in a better way. Though, including patent drawings are not mandatory still each patent application should be accompanied by drawings as they can help applicants in[…]