How to Invest Less in Patent Drawings

How to Invest less in Patent Drawings?

Preparing patent drawings following the USPTO specifications and the invention requirements is an intimidating and nerve-wracking task. Well, is it okay to trust some third-party patent illustrator to create patent drawings for your patent that could do full justification for what you desire? Also, is it possible that you can create your patent drawings? Moreover, will[…]


Patent Drawings Rules: Part I

Patent Drawings  Rules “Every practice has a set of rules which governs it.”  ~ Fiel Valdez                                                The quote mentioned above is accurate to its simplicity. Rules and regulations are essential for society as[…]

Patent Drawings Rules

Patent Drawings Rules : Must Follow

Patent drawings are the visual form of patent description or invention that provides the best possible way to understand the details of the invention, without reading the complete specifications. There is no law that claims the inclusion of drawings as compulsion, but since it helps to understand well in less time, it is good to[…]

solid modeling

Understanding Basics of Solid Modeling

The representation of solid parts of an object on a computer is called as Solid Modelling. This is one of the most advanced methods of geometric modeling in three dimensions. In fact, a geometric model is made up of wireframes that show the object in the form of wires. When we add surface representation to[…]


Why to Hire Expert Patent Illustrator for Your Patent Drawings

No matter, whether you are drafting a provisional patent application or a complete application, subject matter disclosure is important. Subject matter disclosure can be done either by including specific texts and/or by including patent drawings. However, we must agree that a picture speaks thousand words and it is advisable to include drawings wherever you can.[…]

patent drawing companies

Advantages of Hiring a Patent Drawing Company

Patent drawing is a component that is not required as per the statutory rules of various patent offices; still, it makes sense to include a patent drawing as it can increase the chances of your patent application being approved. This is not a guarantee, but it’s a hope and we can say this, is, because[…]

A to Z of Patent Drawings

Patent drawings also called as patent illustrations are one of the most important elements of a patent draft. If made prudently and wisely, it can help you a lot in expediting the overall patent granting process. Not only it makes your idea clear and easy to understand but also helps owner put their point firmly[…]