
Why to Hire Expert Patent Illustrator for Your Patent Drawings

No matter, whether you are drafting a provisional patent application or a complete application, subject matter disclosure is important. Subject matter disclosure can be done either by including specific texts and/or by including patent drawings. However, we must agree that a picture speaks thousand words and it is advisable to include drawings wherever you can.[…]

Patent Drawing Rules

Patent Drawing Rules

Patent drawing rules are complex and this is why it’s important to know these rules before you submit a drawing to the respective patent office. The important point that we need to consider while creating illustrations for patents is that, here, we have a set of rules which needs to be followed religiously. Simply, by not[…]

Design Patent Drawing

Design Patent Drawing: Best Practices

Unlike a utility patent which protects the functionality of an article, a design patent protects the appearance of the same. Since a design patent doesn’t protect the structural or functional feature of an article a design patent drawing prepared to support your drawing would be different from a utility patent drawing. Before  we move on to the[…]


Art of Creating Drawings for Patents

Creating drawings for patents is an art that requires well acquaintances not only with the patent regulatory norms but also of relevant computer aided designing software like AutoCAD. Accompanying an application with a patent illustration is not mandatory, still, if it’s used will be of great value as it can help examiners understand the idea clearly.[…]

Patent Drawing Amendments

Important Amendment Rules for Patent Drawing

Abiding the Rules of 37 CFR 1.121 :  All amendments made in the patent drawing should be in accordance with Title 37 – Code of Federal Regulations Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights. Any amendment made beyond the scope of this rule will not be entertained by the respective PTO. Amendments must be on separate sheet: One[…]

A to Z of Patent Drawings

Patent drawings also called as patent illustrations are one of the most important elements of a patent draft. If made prudently and wisely, it can help you a lot in expediting the overall patent granting process. Not only it makes your idea clear and easy to understand but also helps owner put their point firmly[…]