How to Invest Less in Patent Drawings

How to Invest less in Patent Drawings?

Preparing patent drawings following the USPTO specifications and the invention requirements is an intimidating and nerve-wracking task. Well, is it okay to trust some third-party patent illustrator to create patent drawings for your patent that could do full justification for what you desire? Also, is it possible that you can create your patent drawings? Moreover, will[…]

Better Drawings Assure Better Patents

Better Drawings Assures Better Patent: Know Why & How?

“A picture says it all.” Well, Yes! in case of patent drawings, this ancient proverb is undoubtedly true. The best and the most appropriate way to cut short the time of understanding anything is to represent it through images. In this case, we mean accurate and clearly labeled drawings within the patent application. USPTO doesn’t[…]

Design Patent Drawing

Design Patent Drawing: Best Practices

Unlike a utility patent which protects the functionality of an article, a design patent protects the appearance of the same. Since a design patent doesn’t protect the structural or functional feature of an article a design patent drawing prepared to support your drawing would be different from a utility patent drawing. Before  we move on to the[…]


When is a Patent Drawing Needed?

Don’t know why, but for some reasons there are many inventors who are willing to spend weeks, even months, explaining their work in text but are reluctant to create simple drawings that can often provide a much better explanation. In fact, they argue, if it is necessary to submit a patent drawing at all along[…]