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Creating Patent Drawing – Why to Hire a Professional Service?

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Creating Patent Drawing - Why to Hire a Professional Service

Creating Patent Drawing – Patent grant process has always been a troublesome and time-taking activity from the very first day of its filing. The patent grant not only depends upon the inventor’s skills but also upon his patience level.  It also depends upon the investment amount to fill all the fees.  Keeping track of all the important dates on which your court presence is mandatory, keeping every single record for every single documentation involved, and following all the strict guidelines for documentation, is not a cup of tea for everyone. Adding to this sequence, the whole process takes a time of about 2 or more years. Creating Patent Drawing

Creating Patent Drawing - Why to Hire a Professional Service

Moving on specifically towards patent drawings, they are graphical representations or sketches of an inventive concept. Drawings are a medium through which the inventor can communicate and visualize the technicalities of the invention. Although drawings are a versatile medium to present the functionality (in utility patent) and appearance (in design patent), at the same time they are a bit risky to tackle. Creating Patent Drawing

Reasons why Creating patent drawing should not be taken lightly :

  • There are a number of the USPTO guidelines and pre-requisites that have to be in mind while drawing draft. Specifications range from the size, ink color, drawing size, etc. to the quality of the sheet. In case the inventor fails to follow any minute condition, his/her application will become liable for rejection. Creating Patent Drawing
  • Following all the pre-requisites does not complete the task. But at the same time, the application must include the finest set of illustrations.
  • Considering the specifications, the basis of types, for utility patents, every processor device part has to be label properly. Moreover, leader lines and numbers must be in use strictly etc.; while for design patents the drawing must clearly depict the ornamental design. These designs depict the details like contouring, shades, shapes, etc.
  • Another aspect is that use of only black ink (India ink or equivalent) should be there. Additionally, there must be an avoidance of color drawings.

After looking into these details which are only a glimpse of the specification, one can easily understand that drawings are a major part of the application. Moreover, it must be present in such an effective manner, which could easily showcase the invention to potential licensees or buyers of the technology and get you the market. It is due to this reason, asking for professional help for drawings must always be a priority. Only a professional draftsperson knows how to handle all such pre-requisites in the desired time frame, which could facilitate you with some extra time that you could invest in your idea.

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